Monday, July 2, 2007

Shark's Teeth

The morning broke clear after yesterday's rain and most of us took advantage of the clear skies to go back to the beach and the fresh breeze off the Atlantic. Lisa & Denise sought the comfort of the historic downtown shopping district instead. In all cases it was an enjoyable morning. Our only sadness was in saying farewell to Denise (in the driver's seat) as she headed back to MCO. We had lunch at Cedar River Seafood and it was very casual and very good. Lisa says, even though they offer the option of 'broiled' seafood, stick with the fried stuff - it's what they do best... We spent the rest of the day searching for shark teeth on the beach. I think Katie said we have 25 or so. I guess if you come down this way your only shark fears will be involve being gummed mercilessly. We did see some dolphins this afternoon as they swam north along the shore... I think we're heading north tomorrow ourselves - we're going to Cumberland Island, weather permitting.

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