Sunday, July 1, 2007

Rain & Armadillos

The day started out as a bright & sunny beautiful day. This is a view off the balcony of the condo - very nice. Lisa's sister drove up from Orlando to visit (Samantha opted for Blizzard Beach) and, apparently, brought the rain with her. Perhaps she needs to visit us in Newnan - we need the rain desperately up there. We went to Barbara Jeans for Johnny & Angie's anniversary (18th) dinner. The food was excellent. They're famous for crab cakes and didn't disappoint... Wish the service had been a little better. On the way back Michael & Katie spotted an armadillo in the condo complex. Johnny can catch lots of critters but armadillos aren't one of them. Hope you're getting rain if you need it or dry if you don't.

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